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What Are Intractable Conflicts?
What Makes Conflicts Intractable?
Resolving Intractable Conflict. 2019
Intractable Conflict 💳 ⚖️ Intense, Deadlocked, And Resistant To De-Escalation Or Resolution.
Peter Coleman. "The Fractal Nature of Intractable Conflict: Sustainable Transformation”
Intractable conflicts
Louis Kriesberg and Galia Golan. "Framing: Transforming Intractable Conflicts Conference”
A Guide to More Constructive Approaches to Intractable Conflict
International Focus - Resolving Intractable Conflicts with Peter Coleman 11/13/11
Free Yourself When Conflict Resolution Fails
COMS 6200: Intractable conflict and wicked problems
Why it is so difficult to resolve peacefully intractable conflicts